Mint Julep

The Mint Julep is a refreshing blend of mint, sugar, water, and bourbon, traditionally served in a silver or pewter cup. This iconic beverage is deeply rooted in Southern U.S. traditions and is especially celebrated during the Kentucky Derby. As you take a sip, the cooling essence of mint combined with the warmth of bourbon creates a harmonious dance of flavors on the palate, making it a perfect drink for balmy afternoons and festive gatherings.


  • 8-10 fresh mint leaves, plus a sprig for garnish
  • 1 tablespoon sugar (or 2 tablespoons simple syrup)
  • 2 1/2 ounces bourbon
  • Crushed ice


  1. Preparation: Start by picking fresh mint leaves. Ensure they’re clean and free from any imperfections.
  2. Muddle: In a sturdy glass, combine the mint leaves and sugar. If you’re using simple syrup, you can skip the sugar. Gently muddle the leaves with the sugar to release the mint’s oils. You’re aiming to infuse the sugar without tearing the mint to shreds.
  3. Ice: Fill the glass with crushed ice. It’s essential to use crushed ice as it melts more quickly, diluting the drink to the right consistency and chill.
  4. Bourbon: Pour the bourbon over the ice. Give the mixture a gentle stir to ensure that the mint, sugar, and bourbon meld.
  5. Garnish: Take a sprig of fresh mint and give it a light slap between your hands to awaken its aroma. Place it in the glass as a garnish.
  6. Serve: Insert a straw, ensuring it’s positioned right next to the mint sprig. This allows the drinker to get the full aroma of the mint with each sip.
  7. Enjoy: Sip slowly and enjoy the refreshing, aromatic essence of the Mint Julep.